Fluoroscopic Guided Procedures
Floriscope Guided Procedures
Fluoroscopy is a type of medical imaging that shows a continuous X-ray image on a monitor, much like an X-ray movie. During a fluoroscopy procedure, an X-ray beam is passed through the body. The image is transmitted to a monitor so the movement of a body part or of an instrument or contrast agent (“X-ray dye”) through the body can be seen in detail. - fda.gov

Epidural Steroid Injections
Radiofrequency Lesioning (RFL)
Radiofrequency Lesioning (RFL)
Radiofrequency lesioning is minimally invasive treatment that blocks pain signals. The procedure applies a controlled amount of radiofrequency energy, electrical impulses, to heat the nerve that sends pain signals to the brain. The heat creates a lesion, which blocks pain signals and provides lasting pain relief.

Therapeutic Cannabis
Therapeutic Cannabis Certification
To receive therapeutic cannabis, you need a certification from a licensed provider. You must have a condition that qualifies for therapeutic cannabis use and you will have to get a therapeutic cannabis ID card. Once you have that card, you can buy it at a store called a dispensary.
Reduces muscle spasms
Reduces chronic pain

BOTOX (Migraines)
> 15 headache days/month, with headache lasting > 4 hours/day
The procedure takes about 15 minutes
Shallow injections are done not too deeply under the skin
Is BOTOX© right for you?

Nerve Block (Migraines)
Nerve Block for Migraine
Your greater occipital nerve is responsible for most of feeling in the back and top of your head. The nerve block is a minimally invasive procedure that is meant to reduce inflammation and calm irritation.
Cortisone Injections (Joints)
Cortisone Injections - Joints
Cortisone shots are injections that can help relieve pain and inflammation in a specific area of your body. They're most commonly injected into joints — such as your ankle, elbow, hip, knee, shoulder, spine or wrist. Even the small joints in your hands or feet might benefit from cortisone shots. - Mayo Clinic