Our Walk-In Clinic provides exactly what it's name implies: prompt medical treatment for injuries and illnesses that don't involve serious medical emergencies.
Minor Injuries
Minor Injuries
Minor injuries, like sprains, cuts, burns, bee stings, sunburns, and foreign objects in the eye-and all of life's bumps, bruises, and pains that aren't life-threatening but need prompt attention
Minor Illnesses
Minor Illnesses
Minor illnesses and their symptoms, like cold and flu, respiratory infections, urinary tract infections, fever, sore throat, ear ache, upset stomach, and allergies
Occupational Medicine
Occupational Medicine
Occupational medicine, including employer screenings and routine physical examinations
When to call 911
When to call 911
If you (or a family member) experience any of the following symptoms, you should go to the nearest emergency room or call 911:
Chest pain
Dislocation of shoulder, hip, or knee
High fever in an infant (101° or higher in a baby under 3 months)
Persistent or severe bleeding
Persistent vomiting or diarrhea
Severe allergic reaction
Stroke symptoms, like weakness on one side of your body, difficulty speaking and understanding, and loss of consciousness